Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Entry 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Entry 2 - Essay ExampleIn both qualitative and quantitative look designs, data would be collected from the responses on research questions hence the need for questions motivated by up-to-date literature, suiting the study, snaped on the objectives and have a logical layout. The research questions could be answered in researchers own words or from selected optional responses, referred to as open or closed responses respectively, and could be combined in a data collection instrument, including a questionnaire and interview.This learning helps appreciate research design as an important tool in answer the research questions appropriately. This has been achieved through the application of the two major research designs including the true experimental design where subjects would be randomly assigned, and in cases where the researcher needs to focus on an intact group from a population, referred to as quasi experimental design. Their strengths lie in pre-test confirmation of equivalence on linguistic form, post-test examination on development of linguistic form being targeted and control group that solves logical

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