Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Our Vanishing Nights With My Inner Voice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Our Vanishing Nights With My Inner Voice - Essay Example The tone has a strong academic sound to it. As for â€Å"My Inner Voices,† the writing is casual and conversational. I wrote: â€Å"It’s because the missing school in the morning could cause a lot of troubles and I don’t know, it was just like, do something wrong, you will be popular.† This style follows a conversation that I would have with a friend. Formality is also found in the choice of words or vocabulary. I use scientific and formal words in â€Å"Our Vanishing Nights,† while everyday words are frequent in â€Å"My Inner Voices.† The organization of thoughts strictly follows mechanics and academic writing norms for â€Å"Our Vanishing Nights.† I did not use contractions, and I observed strict academic writing rules. For â€Å"My Inner Voices,† contractions were common, and I wrote like I was talking to a friend only. Hence, the target audiences of the paper affected my writing style. The tone has a strong academic sound t o it. As for â€Å"My Inner Voices,† the writing is casual and conversational. I wrote: â€Å"It’s because the missing school in the morning could cause a lot of troubles and I don’t know, it was just like, do something wrong, you will be popular.† This style follows a conversation that I would have with a friend. Formality is also found in the choice of words or vocabulary. I use scientific and formal words in â€Å"Our Vanishing Nights,† while everyday words are frequent in â€Å"My Inner Voices.† The organization of thoughts strictly follows mechanics and academic writing norms for â€Å"Our Vanishing Nights.† I did not use contractions, and I observed strict academic writing rules. For â€Å"My Inner Voices,† contractions were common, and I wrote like I was talking to a friend only. Hence, the target audiences of the paper affected my writing style. Appeals varied for both papers, where I used logos more in â€Å"Our Vanis hing Nights,† while in â€Å"My Inner Voices,† I focused on ethos and pathos because the former is more on analysis of an academic source, while the latter relies on a portrayal of and reflection on personal events. Relying on an academic source and given the paper’s objectives, I wrote with a strong appeal to logic for â€Å"Our Vanishing Nights.† I wanted scientists to study light pollution further to persuade them, I needed evidence and logical thinking. As for â€Å"My Inner Voices,† I used ethos because I described my own experiences to explain what it means to follow the bad inner voice.

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