Saturday, August 3, 2019

Historys Eras Essay -- American History USA Essays

History's Eras Throughout the many changes in history and fluctuations in economy during times of war and times of rebuilding, there are several key people and events that have greatly affected America's path forever within the multiple Eras. Each abrupt turn in history is the result of someone's decision or some event that placed the power in someone else's hands. These sometimes critical and morally questioned times make up the guide not only to our history, but our future as well. They teach us which way not to go again, and what is, and what use to be extremely important in preserving the American culture that was founded not so long ago. By viewing these movements, wars and moral evolutions, we can see how far America has come so far and where it should go. Reconstruction took several different turns within the twelve year period of 1865-1877. Although President Lincoln revealed the rough road that lay ahead by presenting his Ten Percent Plan and the 13th Amendment, he would have little to do with what was to come due to his untimely assassination by John Wilkes Booth. Booth changed the course of history at that moment by handing the presidency to Vice President Andrew Johnson. Johnson rolled back several gains that Lincoln had in store. He had little to no sympathy for the enslaved blacks and blamed wealthy property owners and high ranking Confederate Officials for the South's poverty. With the now Union functioning governments of the former Confederate states, Republicans were "Sympathetic" to Johnson's decision to put the power of the freed men's civil and political rights into the hands of the individual states. This brought on the laws or "Black Codes" which gave them no choice but to live the slave life ... ...hip and programs, but overall the public saw him as a hero. He changed the connection between government and Americans forever. After reviewing the countless trials and successes America has gone through, it is clear that she has been mis-guided and set back on track several times. With our system of democracy that has been molded and shaped over several periods, it is clear that America is a powerful nation that is continuing to grow. Each president, advisor and citizen has shown their love for this country and its people in so many ways, and by this they have changed the path of history forever. One individual can change history forever, Abraham Lincoln, John Wilkes Booth, Rosa Parks and even Margaret Sanger are all people that dramatically influenced the way America is today and the way it might have been had they not had dreams and morals that fueled them.

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