Monday, September 9, 2019

The world of business Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The world of business - Article Example It is important to look at how the people have changed over the years and how the business sectors in North America, Western Europe, Japan, and Australia have been affected. The people's lifestyle change can be seen through the change in culture. Culture can be defined as a way of life or the people's beliefs in commanding their everyday life. It is evident that the people's culture is tending to that of a global culture. This is because there has been so much interaction around the world that people are now appreciating other cultures. In addition, people are now copying different cultures as they find them to be very attractive. On the contrary, people are abandoning some of their cultural beliefs as they find them primitive and a hindrance towards economic and social growth. The changes in people's lifestyle have seen small business either closed down or make more profits. For rigid companies that are not yet ready to adhere to the changes of the people, have been ignored as people try to look for businesses that can provide what they really need currently. This has not only affected the small businesses but also the international companies that are found in the developing areas like North America, Western Europe, Japan, and Australia. ... Even though culture is becoming global, there are some countries where people have decided to hold their cultures and all business entities have to be put such things in to consideration. Countries like Japan hold their cultures strictly thus it is hard for an American company to ignore such issues while it is exporting its products or services to Japan. It has to put the Japanese culture in consideration so that the businesses can sell their products and services successfully. Moreover, the businesses have learnt to be a little bit flexible as they export their goods, they also consider that other people with different cultural backgrounds can be found in specific areas. For example, a company built in London will produce goods that will definitely put the Japanese culture in consideration but it will also consider the Europeans who are living in Japan. Thus the country will tend to export more of the Japanese oriented goods and at the same time some for those Europeans. Thus small entities are now growing because they have become very flexible in adapting their production of goods and services to the lifestyle changes of the people. This has also increased the competitiveness of the small businesses making them to expand and thus becoming big. Marketing strategies are now changing and the companies are now implementing new strategies. Due to the changes in people's lifestyles, companies need to implement new communication strategies to ensure that they reach their customers effectively. People have become very computer oriented thus communication today is mostly through the use of computers and mobile phones that have features of the computer. For this reason, businesses have their own websites that provide information on the

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