Tuesday, November 26, 2019
The Prohibition essays
The Prohibition essays Prohibition began on midnight of January 16, 1920. After decades of crusade by prohibitionists touting the calamities of 'demon rum' many people got the idea that most of what was wrong with America was caused by booze. They saw prohibition as the silver hammer that would decimate all of their alcohol-related woes. Instead, it turned out to be the lodestone that led America into thirteen years of chaos. The Eighteenth Amendment was put into effect to prohibit the manufacture, sale and transportation of all intoxicating liquors. Shortly afterward, the Volstead Act, named for author Andrew J. Volstead, was put into effect. This complimentary law determined intoxicating liquor as anything having an alcohol content of more than 0.5 percent, omitting alcohol used for medicinal and sacramental purposes; this act set up guidelines for enforcement as well (Altman 15). After the Volstead Act was put into place to determine precise laws and methods of enforcement, the Federal Prohibition Bureau was developed in order to see that the Volstead Act was enforced. Nevertheless, bootleggers and commoners alike frequently violated these laws. Bootleggers smuggled liquor from overseas and Canada, stole it from government warehouses, or simply produced their own. In a chapter of his book The Fabulous Century, Ezra Bowen points out that people hid their liquor in hip flasks, false books, hollow canes, and anything else they could find. Bowen Also notes that there were numerous illegal speakeasies that replaced saloons soon after the start of prohibition. Bowen notes that by 1925, there were thousands of speakeasies in New York City alone. One serious problem created by the criminal aspect of liquor was that as an illegal product, it had no standards. Deaths from drinking denatured and poisoned alcohol rose from 1,064 in 1920 to 4,154 in 1925. Although it may have worked in theory, prohibition was far easier to proclaim than to enforce. With o...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Buster Buster Buster By Maeve Maddox A reader has a question about the word buster: Is the word buster ebonics or not? Where does this word come from? And how is it formed? The reader does not specify which of the several uses of buster prompted the question, but in any case, the word was in the language well before any significant development of the English dialect known as ebonics. Note: For readers unfamiliar with the term ebonics, the word was coined in 1973 and defined in 1975 by its proponents as â€Å"the linguistic and paralinguistic features which on a concentric continuum represent the communicative competence of the West African, Caribbean, and United States slave descendants of African origin.†The term quickly proved to be unwieldy and politically charged. A more neutral name for the distinctive English dialect associated with US black culture is African American Vernacular English (AAVE). The first nineteen or so Africans to reach the English colonies arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in 1619, brought by Dutch traders who had seized them from a captured Spanish slave ship- just five years after the first documented use of buster in English. In the earliest citation in the OED (1614), buster is used to mean â€Å"a person who or thing which ‘busts’ a specified thing, or causes it to break or burst†: Now death, I pray thee what is it, but a buster of bonds; a destruction of toyle? (i.e., Death is seen as a â€Å"buster†of figurative chains, freeing people from bondage and toil.) This meaning of the word is evident in various terms. For example, a bronco-buster is a cowboy who prepares horses to be ridden by breaking their will to resist. Note: The Spanish adjective bronco means rough or rude. It was adopted into English as a noun to refer to an untamed or half-tamed horse. A gangbuster (1930) is an officer of a law-enforcement agency who is known for successfully, and often aggressively, fighting organized crime, breaking up gangs, and apprehending gangsters. Eliot Ness is a well-known gangbuster. By extension, gangbuster/s can mean something that is outstandingly successful; a winner, a hit. The word is used as both noun and adjective: Better than last season, but not gangbusters I think this is going to be a real gangbuster season. Another quarter, another three months where gangbuster growth remains AWOL.  My radio show is going gangbuster. I just picked up my third top-ten radio station in Chicago. The music business is going gangbuster. Were celebrating all month long with a gangbuster sale. Another meaning of buster is â€Å"a person who or thing which is impressive or remarkable, especially in being more than typically large, loud, etc.†Presumably, the person or thing has â€Å"busted†a norm of some kind. The OED gives the example â€Å"What a buster of a lunch it turned out to be.†Buster is used as a form of address, sometimes with affection and sometimes with hostility. For example, a parent or babysitter might say to a child, â€Å"Time for bed, Buster.†On the other hand, someone being annoyed by a stranger might say, â€Å"Don’t come any closer, Buster, or I’ll call a cop.†The popularity of Buster as a nickname for little boys may owe something to the fame of the actor Buster Keaton (1895-1966). The son of vaudeville performers, Keaton was famous as a child actor long before his adult successes. According to legend, he acquired his nickname when he fell down a flight of stairs and Harry Houdini, who was present, quipped, â€Å"That was a real buster!†Keaton’s father immediately created â€Å"Buster Keaton†as his son’s stage name. The comic book character Buster Brown, created by cartoonist Richard F. Outcault in 1902, was another cultural icon that popularized the name Buster. When a shoe manufacturer adopted the character as its logo in 1904, the name received a boost from national advertising. I suspect that plenty of Americans of a certain age can still sing the Buster Brown jingle. Buster is popular as a name for pets. Here are some reasons pet owners chose the name: We named him Buster because he had a busted nose. My neighbor named him Buster, cause he was a Buster to try and catch. You see my friends from the special ed place that my aunt works at named him Buster because he got into a lot of trouble and got caught. I have named him Buster because he is somewhat bossy and pushy with my sisters steer. I named him Buster because he was tossed out of the car. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:When to use "on" and when to use "in"How to spell "in lieu of"The 7 Types of Possessive Case
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Research Paper on Stem Cell Research Legislation and the Related Legal
On Stem Cell Legislation and the Related Legal Issues - Research Paper Example Embryo research in the United States has for long been linked with abortion as the Congress believed that promoting such research will encourage women to undergo abortions (Wertz, 2002). The human embryonic stem cells are the master cells of the body which have the potential to develop into any cell of the human body. These cells were first isolated in the year 1998 by researchers at the University of Wisconsin, under the guidance of Dr. Thomson, from the inner cell mass of the human embryo. Ever since researchers have focused on the ability of these stem cells to treat dysfunctional tissues by generation of new cells. With these cells scientists believe that several diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Diabetes, Multiple sclerosis and other nervous and metabolic conditions can be treated. This work by Dr. Thomson and his colleagues was not funded by the federal government’s primary sponsor for biomedical research, National Institute of Health (NIH) as the Congress had placed a ban on NIH- funded research on human embryo in the year 1995 and until 2001 there was no public funding for human embryo research. The ban prevented both the creation and the destruction of human embryos for research purposes. However, considering the potential of the discovery in 1998, the NIH appealed to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) about the funding for human embryonic stem cell (hESC) research. In 1999, the HHS concluded that public funding could be allowed for hESC research provided the derivation of these cells was carried out with private funds (Duffy, 2002). The moral and ethical issues associated with hESC research are related to the beginning of life following fertilization. While the people opposing the research believe that human life begins immediately after fertilization and not ant any specific stage of development and that the use of the human embryo is against the moral code (AAAS Policy Research, 2010). This also applies t o the thousands of unused embryos in fertility clinics which are likely to be discarded. It is considered to possess an intrinsic value irrespective of whether it gives rise to a baby or not (Wertz, 2002). Those favoring the research have argued that only those embryos which implant in the uterus can be considered to be capable of giving rise to a human being. Using embryos which fail to implant or the excess embryos which are created in fertility clinics and left unused for research purposes would be morally fair rather than discarding them (AAAS Policy Research, 2010). The cultural factors that differentiate the views on embryo research between the United States and European nations includes: the government is answerable to the majority religiously fervent population as nearly 40% of the population attend church services, the politically active anti-abortion laws in the US and the inability to control the free enterprise of embryo research companies who are left to pursue their ow n goals (Wertz, 2002). The NIH draft guidelines released in 1999, during the Clinton presidency, allowed research on hESC from unused or leftover embryos in fertility clinics and those which were donated with the consent of the donor. The guidelines, which came into effect in 2000, faced
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The Strategy Experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Strategy Experience - Essay Example All these will be supported through strong theoretical backgrounds. The key agendas in meeting 1 were Market opportunity in china, Sustainability policy, culture change in New York and consultants report on opportunities in digital media. The agendas in meeting two were client churn- critical success factors, sponsorship opportunity, knowledge sharing and communication coordination and corporate governance. The agendas of third meeting were launching cine FX in London and New York - core / non core business services, market opportunity Asian SME\s - strategic directions / diversification / market development, changing organisational structure to meet our strategic challenges and bringing down print costs - the power of buyers / suppliers in procurement. Lastly, the agendas of meeting four were competitor action puts pressure on margins in our market insights business, profiting from sustainability, strategic alliance Indian advertising market and rationalisation and cost cutting. In the first board meeting, the company’s first agenda was to discuss about the market opportunity in china. Initially, the company had a thought that there is no assurance that entering this market will be beneficial for the company. In addition, it was also identified that increased profitability will not be an immediate venture, but at the same time not entering the Chinese market will have financial impact on the company. The next key agenda of discussion was sustainability policy. This issue was discussed because of the fact that sustainability has clearly been a key issue in this present business context. Moreover, sustainability issues can impact WRSX Group both internally and externally. The strategic intention as well as the strategic choice pertaining to management of sustainability has remained the same. It has been observed that management of sustainability is increasing the confidence of investors. The third one is
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Recruitment Documentation Essay Example for Free
Recruitment Documentation Essay In this assignment I am going go through how and what companies do when they are hiring people and what candidates need to do to get their job. I am also going to describe the recruitment documentation used in a selected organisation. The selected organisation I am doing is Tesco. When companies are looking for recruitments, firms produce two documents to hire people; one document is the Job Description. The job description includes responsibilities, duties, who responsible to, whom responsible for, working conditions and more. The job description makes it clear to the candidate. The second document is a Person Specification. A person specification is profile of the employee, this includes; skills, qualifications, experience, circumstances, disposition etc. The next thing firms do when looking for someone to recruit is put out a job advertisement, this could be on their local, they could also advertise their jobs in store, in a business that helps people get jobs, newspaper, magazines, media and more. A job advertisement includes their name, pay, location, to whom the position reports. This is when the employee comes to the company and they will then ask for applicants, this is by a CV or application form. An application form contains personal detail, space for qualification, experience, why you want the job, referee and criminal declaration. After filling in an application form the company then send the potential applicant a job description, personal spec and an app form. The applicants then send a completed form (with cover letter) or CV, this is then sent to the company. When the company receive all the application they then do shortlisting – this is when they narrow them down by matching with job description and select them for an interview. Once this is done the company then sends the invitations letter for the interview and sometimes a rejection letter (but this hardly happens). They interview with 6 or less applicants, when interviewing they are sometimes 2 or 3 people (someone from the HR or someone from another department). While interviewing they m ight make notes. The company then sends out letter to successful applicant, they also send out a contract, 2 copies. The contracts include holidays, pay, condition, dress code, safety. On this page it includes the job specification telling the applicant what they are looking for in this job. â€Å"The Blueprints are the inputs for Store Planning to develop Development Store plans. The Proposition Blueprint Manager is the custodian of the customer experience in stores throughout the shopping trip. Four days a week will be spent in the office with the other day spent out on sites and in competitors ensuring we are at the forefront of customer innovation.†The recruitment documentation for Tesco is very simple. It is very similar to how I have explained above; you first apply for the specific job role. If they have fo0und your application interesting, they will then call you in for an interview. Once the interview is done and they think you meet the criteria, they will then send you a letter/email telling that you have succeeded; if you have not succeeded they will send out a rejection letter/email. Once you have accepted the job they will then talk about your contract, this including, your pay, how many hours you work, dress code, holidays etc. Once you have signed this contracts you will be ready to start working for Tesco.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Seeking Harmony as a World Citizen Essay -- Personal Narrative Essay E
Seeking Harmony as a World Citizen "Excuse me, do you speak German?" - outside of that church's organ recital in Bonn, Germany, the distinct Japanese accent caught me by surprise. My weeks of study and internship gave me new confidence, so I answered, "Yes, yes I do." The Japanese woman's companion, seeing my nod, immediately began to overflow with German praises. I looked at her, elderly, in a wheelchair, and she told me the story: that music-loving Japanese woman pushed that music-loving German woman out of the church, medieval in design and thus not disabled-friendly. "What generosity," I translated in my native tongue, the only go-between these women had. "A million thanks for your help, I couldn't have made it out without you." The Japanese woman nodded, understanding, but her only reply was, "Does she need me to take her somewhere else?" "No, no, and thank you - God bless," I translated. The German woman smiled, grabbed her hand, kissed it. She grabbed my hand, kissed it too, and wheeled away over the cobblestones. Awestruck, I smiled to the Japanese w...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Martin Luther King Jr Essay
Many find it interesting to glimpse inside the lives of famous thinkers in an effort to understand where such thought and intelligence is rooted. Famous thinkers have little in common with what makes them reach their level of achievement (Goodman & Fritchie, 2011). In that tone, here is a peek into the routines and rituals of Martin Luther King Jr. and Cornel West that writers, philosophers, and statesmen have depended on to keep their work on track and their thoughts flowing. Whether you need inspiration to make it through the next college semester of your bachelor’s degree, finishing up your master’s degree program, or are working on a future best-selling novel, explore the contributions to society these men have created, how their personal, social, and political environments helped with their creativity, how they solve their ideas and problems, how their ideas were implemented, as well as what they could have done differently along with comparing their creative process. Martin Luther King made many contributions to society at the most difficult time. He helped African American’s gain civil rights and equality in America. He completed these contributions through actions like the bus boycott that he led in Montgomery, Alabama. The boycott fought against city buses that refused to allow African Americans to sit in the front seats of the buses. This boycott led to a citywide boycott of the bus system until the rules were changed. He also led the march from Selma to Montgomery along with other protestors as they voiced their right to vote. Dr. King not only led marches but he also gave what is now famous speeches like â€Å"Give Us a Ballot†â€Å"I Have a Dream†â€Å"I’ve Been to the Mountaintop†that also helped with his movement. Through the speeches Dr. King had the ability to reach many in delivering his thoughts and creativity toward his movement. Dr. King also published many books like Stride Toward Freedom: The Montgomery Story, Strength to Love, Why We Can’t Wait, and Where Do We Go From Here? These books also helped with Dr. King’s movement to reach people all over the United States to see his vision. Dr. Cornel West has a passion to communicate to a vast variety of publics in order to keep alive the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.; telling the truth and bearing witness to love and justice. Dr. West stated, â€Å"You can’t lead the people if you don’t love the people. You can’t save the people if you don’t serve the people.†Cornel West contributions to society has been monumental, he is a motivational speaker in politics, education, talk radio and even major motion pictures.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Market Research on Chutney
Research on the chutney industry * Study of salad accompaniment (2007) revealed that Mayonnaise and salad cream compete with pickles, chutney and relish as meal accompaniments and as sandwich ingredients. Ethnic products such as mango chutney, premium products such as organic beetroot and relish that are marketed as essential barbecue components are growing in popularity. There is a good opportunity for salad accompaniments to step into the breach with innovation in flavours that satisfy consumer demand for exotic flavours to brighten up mealtimes. Mintel (2009) has researched into attitudes towards food preparation and found an increase of people that want to try new recipes 7 points between 2005 and 2009 Rising concerns about obesity have put the spotlight on the nation’s diet as never before. Not only confined to adults, obesity rates are set to increase among both boys and girls if current trends continue, with more than one in five girls forecast to be classified as obese by 2010. This has serious implications for their future health. * The English provender company EPC is rolling out a new product range and packaging, based on the theme of natural ingredients. The launch will include seven chutney made using the traditional open-pan cooling method. There will be four new flavours, including Hot Chilli & red pepper chutney and Moroccan spiced chutney and new recipes for three existing flavours including ploughman’s plum chutney and caramelised red onion chutney. ’ The range will retain its trademark square jar but new clear labels will allow consumers to see the natural colour and texture of the products. The use of script typeface will give an artisan feel to the range, while tamper tags will carry serving suggestions and natural ingredients will be stamped around the lid. our research revealed a growing demand for products that taste as good as home-made using natural ingredients and traditional cooking methods’ says marketing director Grahame Wright. We’re filling a gap in the premium mainstream market’ EPC says the ? 31M chutney category has grown by 4% in the past 12 months and is targeting Christmas shoppers. * In July 2007 marketing director Kerr Arthur said that ‘consumer tastes are becoming ever more sophisticated. People are beginning to look beyond classic flavours and are also using the products in different ways such as for sandwich filling, dip and barbecue ingredients. ‘Whit this in mind we decided to extend our range of speciality chutneys and have developed these tasty new recipes to make al fresco dining more memorable this summer’ ( fire-roasted pepper chutney with capers and sweet caramelised onion chutney with orange) * Ribblesdalecheese (2011) have done a small tasting session on their chutneys and had a small questionnaire for their subjects. These are the results that they * 1) How do you rate it out of 10? * 2) Would you change anything? * 3) Would you eat it with cheese? * 4) Would you buy it?Results of the Men Tasters|  |  |  |  |  | | Rank|  | Type| Total score| Average Score|  | 1| Tomato & Chilli| Spicy| 145|  | 8. 0|  | 2| Sweet Chilli| Hot| 149|  | 7. 9|  | 3| Red onion marmalade| Savoury| 111|  | 7. 8|  | 4| Onion 1|  | Savoury| 79|  | 7. 3|  | 4| Spicy Onion| Spicy| 82|  | 7. 3|  | 4| Spiced Apple| Sweet| 67|  | 7. 3|  | 4| Piccalilli|  | Spicy| 66|  | 7. 3|  | 4| Apple 1|  | Sweet| 55|  | 7. 3|  | 5| Pineapple|  | Sweet/Spicy| 66|  | 6. 8|  | 5| Banana|  | Spicy| 66|  | 6. 8|  | 6| Pear & Apricot| Sweet| 66|  | 6. 7|  | | Apple 2|  | Sweet| 51|  | 6. 1|  | 8| Tomato 2|  | Savoury| 36|  | 6. 0|  | ‘This is quite interesting, because if  you take the top five chutneys, then men prefer savory chutneys, and preferably a little spicy and hot. The sweeter chutneys appear at the lower end of the table. So what do women like, is this any different? ’ Results of the Women Tasters|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | Type|  | Total score| Average Score|  | 1| Red onion marmalade|  | Savoury| 120|  | 8|  | 2| Piccalilli|  | Spicy| 92|  | 7. 7|  | 3| Sweet Chilli|  | Hot|  | 61|  | 7. 6|  | | Pear & Apricot|  | Sweet| 99|  | 7. 6|  | 3| Apple 1|  | Sweet| 76|  | 7. 6|  | 4| Pineapple|  | Sweet/Spicy| 90|  | 6. 9|  | 4| Tomato & Chilli|  | Spicy| 83|  | 6. 9|  | 4| Spicy Onion|  | Spicy| 62|  | 6. 9|  | 4| Onion 1|  | Savoury| 55|  | 6. 9|  | 5| Spiced Apple|  | Sweet| 81|  | 6. 8|  | 6| Banana|  | Spicy| 78|  | 6. 5|  | 7| Apple 2|  | Sweet| 82|  | 6. 3|  | 8| Tomato 2|  | Savoury| 41|  | 5. 9|  | ‘Well, looking at this, it would appear that women do have slightly sweeter tooth’s than men, and tha t men and women do have different tastes.Whilst Caramelized Red Onion Chutney and Sweet Chilli Jam appears in both men and women’s top 3, women far prefer Piccalilli to men and men far prefer the spicy Tomato & Chili to women; look at the Pear and Apricot: it is fourth in the women’s preferences and third to bottom in the men’s’ – interesting, hey? And another question to ask†¦who buys chutney? Men or women? ’ ‘There are many conclusions that can be drawn from this piece of work, but for us, it helps to identify what we are going to make.This includes Sweet Chilli Jam, Tomato & Chilli, Caramelised Red Onion, Piccalilli, Apple, Pear & Apricot†¦and we have a couple of new ones up our sleeve! ’ And in case you wondered, here is the combined list of men and women’s results. | What Both Men & Women Tried | Total Score| Average Score| 1| Red onion marmalade|  |  |  | 230. 5 | 7. 9|  | 2| Sweet Chi lli|  |  |  | 210| 7. 8|  | 3| Apple 1|  |  |  | 131| 7. 7|  | 4| Tomato & Chilli|  |  |  | 227. 5| 7. 6|  | 5| Piccalilli|  |  |  | 158| 7. 5|  | 5| Pear & Apricot|  |  |  | 165| 7. 5|  | 6| Pineapple|  |  |  | 156| 7. |  | 7| Spicy Onion|  |  |  | 144| 6. 9|  | 7| Banana|  |  |  | 144| 6. 9|  | 8| Spiced Apple|  |  |  | 147. 5| 6. 7|  | 8| Apple 2|  |  |  | 133| 6. 7|  | 9| Onion 1|  |  |  | 134| 6. 4|  | 10| Tomato 2|  |  |  | 77| 5. 9|  | |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | * Pickles, chutneys and relishes are failing to capture the attention of younger shoppers. While for older generations chutneys have been a flavoursome accompaniment to a range of meals, with some creating their own concoctions, younger consumers' most likely exposure is when they're dipping their poppadums into a spot of mango chutney. Bainbridge (2007) belie ves that ‘November and December are the best-selling months for the pickles, chutneys and relishes sector, as shoppers stock up on accompaniments to their turkey leftovers and ham sandwiches. ’ Dorset population research Pring (2011) laid out interesting demographics research on the Dorset area: * Dorset is average sized, small sparse population (159 per sq. km compared with 362 for E&W on average. * Life expectancy in Dorset for both men (80. 3 years) and women (82. 8 years) was higher than the England average.Largest elderly population of all the shire counties (29% of retirement age 19% for England and Wales) * Population is increasing due to net inward migration * Average house prices are among the highest in the UK outside London * But, Earnings are below national levels * Unemployment is low * But, there is little manufacturing * Approx. 10,500 people work in residential/social care (7% of employees in employment) * More people work in social care than directly in leisure and tourism * Median gross annual pay in Dorset was ? 24,927 (South West ? 24,922, England ? 26,165) * The latest unemployment rate for Dorset is 4. % (South West 6. 0%, England 7. 6%) * Dorset lowest quartile affordability ratio (house price to earnings ratio: a higher ratio means less affordable housing) was 10. 3 (South West 8. 2, England 6. 7). References Pring, A. , 2011. The demographics of Dorset and its effect on End of Life Care [online] [viewed on 13 November 2012]. Available from: http://www. piperhub. com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Dorset-Demographics-and-EOLC-Andy-Pring. pdf Bainbridge, J. , 2007. Sector Insight: Pickles, chutneys and relishes – Changing tastes hinder growth [online] [viewed on 10 November 2012].Available from: http://www. prweek. com/uk/news/771632/Sector-Insight-Pickles-chutneys-relishesâ€â€Changing-tasteshinder-growth/? DCMP=ILC-SEARCH Bainbridge, J. , 2008. Sector Insight: Pickles, Chutneys and relishes [online] [viewed on 10 Nov ember 2012]. Available from: http://www. prweek. com/uk/features/862382/Sector-Insight-Pickles-Chutneys-relishes/ Ribblesdalecheese’s, 2011. Chutney Tasting Results II. In: Ribblesdalecheese's Blog[online]. 20 February 2011 [viewed on 5 November 2012]. Available from: http://ribblesdalecheese. wordpress. com/2011/02/20/chutney-tasting-results-ii/ Food Manufacture, 2007.Chutney offer sophistication [online] [viewed on 5 November 2012]. Available from: http://www. foodmanufacture. co. uk/NPD/Chutneys-offer-sophistication Food Manufacture, 2011. Chutneys ‘go natural’ in time for Christmas market [online] [viewed on 05 November 2011]. Available from: http://www. foodmanufacture. co. uk/Ingredients/Chutneys-go-natural-in-time-for-Christmas-market Mintel, 2007. Salad Accompaniments – UK – August 2007 [online] [viewed 11 November 2012]. Available from: Mintel Mintel, 2009. Media and Food (The) – UK – October 2009 [online] [viewed on 11 Novemb er 2012] . Available: from Mintel
Thursday, November 7, 2019
A Guide to Writing a Political Science Term Paper
A Guide to Writing a Political Science Term Paper What is a Term Paper? In approaching political science term paper writing, it is essential to consider its peculiar features, which make it different from other types of written works. Term paper implies writing on a specific topic, which a student studied profoundly during the term in the educational institution. Therefore, this paper depicts the extent of awareness with the subject, which students reviewed earlier. The primary purpose of a term paper is to evaluate the student’s knowledge of a particular topic; however, it should not be restricted by the materials which the student learned in the context of classes. Apart from testing the quality of knowledge, writing this essay also focuses on recognizing strong analytical skills. Thus, it is essential to consider particular features to write a well-researched, structured, and profoundly analyzed report. The Significance of the Course of Political Science The study of political science broadens one’s intellectual horizons, as well as creates political consciousness among the citizens. Knowing the norms and principles of political science contributes to the development of a country in general. Aristotle referred to this field of knowledge as the ‘supreme science’ on account of its visualization of liberty and equality and projecting the political system of a specific country. Therefore, this course assists learners in conducting business and provides a better understanding of how politics and life are interconnected. What Are the Principal Features of a Political Science Term Paper? A political science term paper covers the analysis of political activities and aims at creating a background of current events. There are particular characteristics of a term paper, which have a principal value in political science: Clarity of the expression. Unnecessary details should not be mentioned in the text, and writing should explicitly identify the main purpose of each paragraph. The paper ought to be persuasive. The peculiarity of the political science term paper requires specific data and measurements to be present. Cogent arguments are essential to support every opinion in the paper. Political science paper strictly requires support for every point given. Choosing a Topic The initial step in writing a term paper is deciding on a political science topic, which would be interesting for a student. If there is an opportunity to choose an issue, it is highly recommended to select an appealing one. It is crucial to deliberately consider the essence of a chosen topic while writing a political science paper. It is advisable to take a current theme which has an international character. Also, the problem should be preferably dedicated to the way different countries handle conflicts or approach political issues. Moreover, one should consider the width of the range of topics, which are related to political science. Some of the possible areas that political science frequently covers are education, immigration, health-care, public relations, economics, and governance. Thus, to come up with the idea of a topic, one has to choose a preferable field of knowledge, which is connected firmly to political science in general. Ideas from Our Writers for a Political Science Term Paper: Discrimination in United States Politics; Presidential Elections; Models of Democracy in the World; National Socialism and Fascism; The Notion of Liberalism; The Effects of Globalism; Politics and G Basing on the outlined topics, one can narrow them down and chose a specific subject, for instance: The Influence of Stereotypes Between Americans and African-Americans on the United States Politics; The Role of Imposing Reproductive Rights by the Supreme Court; The North American Free Trade Agreement: The Effects on the United States; Anti-Globalization Movement as the Revolt Against Globalization; General Mistakes to Avoid While Choosing a Term Paper Topic: The chosen topic should revolve around a specific issue. Thus, although writing a paper about a general topic appears to be uncomplicated at first, there is a high risk of losing the main idea of a term paper. Therefore, focusing on a narrow realm is favorable. Deciding on a topic which is not directly related to the program. As working on a term paper estimates the knowledge that a student obtained during the semester, it is highly recommended to stick to the course. Choosing a topic which cannot be supported by evidence and common knowledge. For instance, sometimes, students might select a subject and support it with little or no evidence. It is not sufficient to accompany the paper only with personal opinions and evidence. Stating a clear research question provides a relevant subject for a term paper. Thus, the next step is selecting keywords for the topic and expanding it. Collecting the Data and Making Notes After the student has selected a topic and figured out the foundation, it is essential to collect appropriate data. It is necessary to conduct a profound literature review, provided that the sources are credible and reliable. Reviewing implies reading and analyzing works written before making own research. This step is obligatory and cannot be excluded from the writing process on account of the need to indicate how particular findings contributed to the paper. Otherwise, there will be no grounds for presenting personal research results. For instance, encyclopedias and books usually provide comprehensive summaries of particular topics. Additionally, the bibliography at the end of a book is extremely helpful. Some of the acceptable and relevant references are the following: Worldwide Political Science Abstracts; JSTOR Political Science Database Annual Review of Political Science Project MUSE Google Scholar Additionally, it is highly recommended to take notes while researching the topic. Precisely, it would be useful to record every fact and evidence to avoid confusing sources. Creating a Proper Outline With a view to writing a well-structured paper, it is prerequisite to develop an outline of a term paper. Initially, one should draw the attention to the topic by stating clearly why a chosen subject is meaningful. Indeed, creating an outline is especially helpful in writing a logical, coherent paper. Here is an example of a suitable outline for a political science term paper: The appropriate introduction should state the significance of the core question and its relevance. It should contain a thesis statement which provides an overview of the term paper. Theoretical framework. This section supports the core question with an overview of the explanations. Providing arguments and supporting them logically with appropriate examples or cases. The student ought to divide this section into a minimum of three paragraphs, each of them needs to represent a particular argument and support it with quantitative or textual data. Concluding the term paper. This section implies returning to the core question and restating the main ideas, highlighted in each body paragraph. One should note that while writing a political science term paper, it is recommended to interpret some of the possible implications of a problem or solutions. Creating Appropriate Thesis Statement The thesis statement provides a reader with a particular argument and accompanies it by the indication of why this argument is persuasive. A couple of suggestions for writing a thesis are outlined beyond: It must demonstrate a specific claim and focus on a delimited field; A thesis statement should be non-trivial; It should be contestable, which means that the writer does not need to prove obvious information; The statement needs to be accurate and specific; It should not be hidden in the middle of the introduction. Here is an example of a wrong thesis statement: ‘The Supreme Court violates political sovereignty’ or ‘Social media affects the political situation in the United States.’ These examples are irrelevant on account of the vagueness of the message they intend to deliver. Defined thesis statements are inappropriate due to the absence of the central message and the author’s opinion. Here are the examples of an appropriate thesis statement: ‘Revolutions frequently arise when conditions and circumstances in a particular country improve after a long period of deprivation’, or ‘Although there are many possible causes of the World War I escalation, the primary reasons that led to it were a splash in the development of technology and the strong sense of nationalism’. For instance, the central message is clearly outlined in the latter example, as it points out the two primary reasons that led to World War I escalation technology and nationalism. It captures the prevailing idea that a student has on a topic. Writing a Body The body of a political science term paper should not be enriched with metaphors or excessive verbal constructions. Instead, the writing should contain a sufficient number of arguments. This paper requires communicating its arguments with evidence unambiguously. It is fundamental to take into account the importance of revealing all aspects of the topic in a couple of paragraphs. For instance, the topic How does social media affect the political situation? should consist of the following sections: ‘Social media as the primary venue for spreading the political news’, ‘The impact of social media in the voting process’, and ‘General effects that social media has on political participation’. Each of three paragraphs is expected to present a topic sentence, the main idea, and its support with the help of evidence. Additionally, it is recommended to justify the credibility of a source, in particular, if the writer bases his or her arguments on authorit y. The writer has to address both arguments and counter-arguments while writing a political science term paper. The primary purpose of providing a counter-argument is to object to own arguments and to depict a controversy. Writing a Conclusion Although writing an appropriate political science term paper appears as complicated and demanding at first, it does not require a huge effort. Thus, writing a conclusion should be mainly associated with summarizing the points which a student already outlined in the main body. Implications are essential in a political science paper (e.g., implications for governmental policies). Precisely, a typical conclusion for a political science term paper consists of: Summary of the body paragraphs; Evaluation of the current findings; Perspective for future research, which is exceptionally relevant for the political science term paper. Creating the List of References After the paper conclusion was written and the essay was finished, it is essential to keep in mind creating the reference list and in-text citations. For a political science paper, the APSA (American Political Science Association) formatting style is suitable. Even though one can write in the APA formatting style, APSA is preferable for political science. Generating APSA citations via a special tool is convenient. To clarify, the reference list should be made in the following way: Bibliography Adams, Jake. 2001. â€Å"An Article that I Totally Made Up: An exceptionally long title so the entry runs onto multiple lines.†Journal of Fictitious Studies 51(3): 218-247. Gates, Henry L. Jr. 1989. The Signifying Monkey: A Theory of African-American Literary Criticism. New York: Oxford  University Press. Correcting the Mistakes and Proofreading the Paper Once Again The student should not omit such an essential step as proofreading the paper once again and correcting the mistakes. Taking some time from writing a paper and revising it in one hour, if possible, will assist a writer in reading a paper critically and obtaining an unblurred perspective on the idea in general. One should pay attention to the correct use of language and stick to the academic style. Some helpful political science term paper writing tips for attaching to the appropriate text style are the following: The language of the text in political science paper should be gender-neutral; Do not confuse verb tenses. When referring to a person or an expert, using the present tense is appropriate as the writer summarizes his or her findings; Colloquial expressions and abbreviations are a taboo for political science term papers. Checking the Paper for Plagiarism Plagiarism is severely penalized in most educational institutions on account of the fact that it involves presenting others’ ideas as your own. To avoid plagiarism, each opinion is required to be paraphrased in the writer’s own words. Samples of suitable paraphrasing can be found on the website. Fortunately, several applications can be useful for checking the paper for plagiarism. There are various plagiarism detection tools, such as eTBLAST, PlagTracker, PlagScan, and Grammarly, which are helpful in recognizing accidentally plagiarized content. Moreover, Grammarly is a program which not only detects plagiarized material but also assists in correcting grammar mistakes. It is Crucial to Read the Paper Once Again after Checking it Via Programs In fact, the chance that grammar checkers miss a couple of mistakes, precisely, when it comes to dealing with large amounts of information, still exists. Following this, a student ought to reread his or her term paper to assure the correctness of a composition. The Final Step Submitting Once both plagiarism and grammar mistakes were checked, the writer can submit his or her term paper. Making sure that the writer filled in the required data before delivering the term paper is the last but not the least crucial step in the term paper writing process. Following the outlined recommendations accurately, there will be no difficulty in composing a sufficient political science term paper at all.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Your Trucker Future Forecast
Your Trucker Future Forecast Wondering what the state of the trucking industry looks like from the vantage point of industry insiders? If so, then keep reading! TruckingInfo.com recently looked at a nationwide GE Capital forecasting survey given to mid-market trucking company execs. The results? Company insiders see a trend towards growth over the coming year, in business, employment, and equipment expenditures. Execs point to growing optimism in the national economy as a key factor.The outlook over the next 12 months isn’t completely rosy, however. Execs also anticipate a number of challenges including key regulatory concerns involving the hours of service regulations, CSA, and reauthorization of the highway bill. Retention of quality staff, fluctuations in oil and gas prices, and commodity costs are also concerns.What should you make of these results? Well, if you’re looking to become a driver, the overall outlook is a good one! An optimistic outlook on hiring means that now could be a great time to make a move if you’ve been thinking of becoming a driver. So make your move and find yourself on the road to a new career!GE Capital Survey Forecasts Expanding Trucking IndustryRead More at TruckingInfo
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Text messaging while driving persuasive speech or Presentation
Text messaging while driving persuasive - Speech or Presentation Example Use of mobile phones while driving is a big form of distraction for drivers and the risk of accidents is more heightened if the driver is using a mobile phone. Texting while driving requires the driver to change his focus from the road to the mobile device he is holding in his hand, it also needs the driver to use his hands to read or send a message. A study conducted showed that most drivers spent up to four hundred percent time not concentrating on the road while texting as compared to when they are not (Hosking, Young & Regan, 2006). It has also been proven that not only does the youth text more while driving, but it also males who are more susceptible to this behavior than females, despite the fact that women are generally known to send more texts as compared to men, texting while driving has now replaced drunk driving on the top slot of motor vehicle accidents. One can certainly say that texting while driving is the cause of many deaths, it takes a minor miscalculation to cause or be a part of a fatal motor vehicle accident. Texting while driving distracts which leads to lack of concentration when one is behind the driving wheel. Being distracted while on the road means can involve one taking their eyes off the road, taking their hands of the steering wheel or taking their mind from what they are doing. Texting while driving involves all three and that is why it is now the biggest killer on the roads. 3,331 people died in 2011 because of a distracted driving while another 384,000 were sustained injuries. In the United States of America, thirty one percent of drivers between the ages of eighteen to sixty four admitted to texting while driving. The amount of time that one is distracted from the road while texting is the cause of concern, this is due to the fact that, texting takes more attention and more time is needed to accomplish it. The amount of distraction time is directly related to the chances of incidents increase and fatal the accident can be. Acco rding to the laws of the United States of America and other countries as well, texting while driving has been banned, therefore making it illegal to be caught engaging in the said activity. Any driver caught in the act of texting while driving is punished under the law enacted in the country (Centers for disease control and prevention, 2013). The death toll is rising every year due to this issue and it has therefore necessitated steeper measures to be taken against anyone involved. Texting while driving is an even bigger issue if the people concerned view it as socially acceptable. If a driver tends to think that is acceptable among his peers and social circle to text while driving, he will be more inclined to do it than resist the urge. The social influence is very strong while pertaining to this issue, if a person believes that the people he relates with often would text while driving, he is then more likely to do it as well. The youth are strongly influenced socially and this mig ht be the reason behind the rise in cases of teenage death while texting and driving (Walsh & White, 2007). A teenager looks for approval especially from his or her peers, the fact that the youth seem to have accepted this behavior as right, more of them will participate in it without a
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