Friday, May 31, 2019

Analysis of Caramelo by Sandra Cisneros Essay examples -- Caramelo His

Analysis of Caramelo by Sandra CisnerosCaramelo has been quite an interesting novel. It describes a Hispanic family to the tee. Sandra Cisneros chose her title perfectly for this book. Lifes hardships and possibilities are explored throughout this fascinating novel.The author describes the word caramelo in varied ways and in two different occasions. The first occasion was to describe Candelarias skin color. Celaya quoted Her skin a caramelo. A color so sweet, it hurts to even look at her. (p.37). She also says Her skin is as smooth as peanut butter and deep as burnt-milk candy. The other occasion caramelo is mentioned was to describe the awful grandmothers rare, old, unique, and unfinished silk rebozo. The grandfather pulls out a material from the walnut-wood armoire of caramel, licorice, and vanilla stripes. (p.58) These two events are mostly connected by the description of color. The author describes Candelarias skin color being so sweet it hurts, much resembling a very sweet ca ndy would. Much like the candy is sweet, so is Candelaria and her personality.I believe Cisneros chose Caramelo because a caramelo or candy cane has off-key and bright long stripes on it. To me the stripes indicate a persons life span. They also symbolize the dark, dreadful times we tout ensemble go through and the bright stripes would tell the joyous, wonderful times we have in life. In addition, the stripes twirl around and around comparable to our lives. Everyones life has a curve or tu...

Thursday, May 30, 2019

We Must Work Together to Reduce Domestic Violence Essay -- Violence Aga

Domestic craze is an act of crime which occurs in national household units. It is too known as as spousal twist around or family violence. Domestic violence is not only related to physical holler but alike aroused, sexual, financial, mental and verbal threats. According to ( Human Right Watch, 1995) cited from Macionis, John J., 2008. Domestic violence is defined as bodily harm, usually accompanied by verbal threats and harassment, emotional abuse or the destruction of property as means of coercion, control, revenge, or punishment on a person with whom the abuser is in mention relationship. Besides that, according to an article by Womens Aid, the government defines violence as any incident of threatening behavior, violence or abuse (psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional) between adults who are or have been intimate partners or family members, regardless of gender or sexuality. Domestic violence can happen and may happen to any individual despit e their gender, social class or status, life style, age, family background, race, ethnicity or place of living. Any individual can be a dupe of domestic violence. Based on an article titled Physical Violence against Women the World Health Organization reported that 40 to 70 percentage of women were murdered in the United States, Canada, Australia and Israel by their husbands or male partners. Domestic violence can be categorized into different categories. Firstly, is physical violence. Physical violence is physical abuse whereby the abuser will hit, kick, burn, punch, slap, smack and perform any action using body or objects that will hurt and bruise the victims physical health. An example of physical abuse is severe burns on the body due to cigarette burns. Secondly is emotional abuse. Emotional abuse is just opposite of physical abuse because the abuser will use harsh, vulgar and negative words to emotionally abuse the victim. The implication of verbal abuse such as yelling, isola tion, name-calling and shaming also falls in the same category of emotional abuse. For example, shouting out vulgar words is a form of emotional abuse. Emotional abuse can cause severe depression and also lack of confidence. Besides that, it can also cause decrease of self worthy and independence. Thirdly is financial abuse whereby the abuser will financially torture their victims who are usually their spouse or... ...d the news via online sources such as electronic mails (e-mail), facebook, chirrup and etc. We can use these social webs to spread awareness regarding domestic violence and help public to prevent them from being a victim. The public mustiness learn to speak up whenever they encounter domestic violence or abuse instead of keeping quiet and suffering. They should not hesitate and must be brave enough to lodge a complaint. As a conclusion, every individual must play their part in order to stop domestic violence from occurring or getting worse. Domestic violence will no t only hurt and harm human beings but also affects the country and nation. We should be more cooperative and work together to overcome domestic violence and abuse. We must show more love for each other, be more concern, run across each other feelings and the rights of being a human being. Therefore, we must live together in happiness, peace and harmony. Works Cited Macionis, John J. 2008. Social problems, 3rd edition, Pearson learner hall New Jersey.